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As a world’s leading residential solar solution brand, PUSTALEA SOLAR provides comprehensive support for our partners to yield mutual benefits and business success.


Solar energy --- radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat, causing chemical reactions, or generating electricity;Bluntly speaking,solar energy is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy.

Solar-Energy- Solar PV
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renewable and inexhaustible

It is true that on a time scale that is more relevant to us, the sun remains an unchangeable and inexhaustible source of energy ; It can be harnessed in all areas of the world and will be available to us for at least 5 billion years when according to ...

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bill saving

Since you will be meeting some of your electricity needs with your solar system has generated, your energy bills will drop; It shall not only satisfy the daily family electricity request , also an great investment tool that would continuously bring economic returns.; So the right energy fit for you becomes more important... 

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minimal maintenance

Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job...

A mature reliable technology

Embedded in the reality of the 21st century, solar photovoltaics now is a mature technology. There is a particularly truth of efficiency: history has taught us that solar cell performance is improving over time and figures that might have seemed unattainable a couple of decades ago are increasingly within our reach (most notably, efficiency is now over 20%). 


In fact, solar pv system has very long life expectancy , at least 25 years ; Needless to say, the annual power degradation no more than 0.55% ...


Diverse Applications

The measurement needs of the solar industry are quite diverse, ranging from agriculture , fishery to industrial and commercial , utility-scale, residential etc ; You can generate electricity (photovoltaics) or heat (solar thermal) . Solar can also be integrated into the materials used for buildings .


It is all indispensable from all aspects of our human existence ...

Reduce the carbon footprint

The solar system's carbon footprint is roughly 20 times less than the carbon output of coal-powered electricity sources...


According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, utility-scale solar power produces between 394 and 447 MWh per acre per year. Thus, an acre of solar panels producing zero-emissions electricity saves between 267,526 to 303,513 pounds, or 121 to 138 metric tons, of carbon dioxide per year.

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Followed by IRENA’s Global Energy Transformation roadmap , it highlights the growth needed in solar PV to achieve climate goals. It also offers insights on cost reduction, technology trends and the need to prepare electricity grids for rising shares of solar PV ...

Among the findings :

  • Accelerated solar PV deployment coupled with deep electrification could deliver 21% of the CO₂ emission reductions (nearly 4.9 gigatonnes annually) by 2050.
  • Solar PV could cover a quarter of global electricity needs by mid-century, becomingthe second largest generation source after wind.


  • Global capacity must reach 18 times current levels, or more than 8 000 gigawatts by 2050.
  • Asia would continue to dominate solar PV use, with over 50% of installed capacity, followed by North America (20%) and Europe (10%).


  • Solar PV project costs, already below marginal fossil-fuel costs in global terms, are set to decline further in the decades ahead.


  • Mobilising finance will be key, with IRENA’s roadmap estimates implying a 68% increase in average annual solar PV investment until 2050.


  • Solar PV is a fast-evolving industry, with innovations along the entire value chain driving further, rapid cost reductions. Floating PV is a prime example, with global cumulative installed capacity exceeding one gigawatt in 2018 and clear potential for rapid growth.


  • Rooftop solar PV systems have spread rapidly thanks to supporting policies, such as net metering and fiscal incentives.



  • Energy transformation brings socio-economic benefits. The global solar industry could employ over 18 million people by 2050.
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On Grid Solar System

On-grid solar power system is a solar power generation system where it is connected to the utility grid. 

Benefits of on-Grid Solar System

1 Huge reduction in electricity bills .
2 Easy maintenance .
3 Synchronize with other sources of power .
4  Better ROI .

Off Grid Solar System

An off-grid solar energy system is not connected to the utility grid , working by generating electricity from solar panels and using it to charge a solar battery via a charger controller. That electricity is then converted using an inverter so that it can power your home or business appliances or you can store the solar power generated and supply electricity after the power goes off or during the night .

Benefits of off-Grid Solar System

1 Easy to Install virtually anywhere as it does not depend on the grid.
2 Free disruption on the vast network of power lines .
3 Reducing electricity costs.
4 Perfect for rural and remote areas.
5 Keeping the environment clean and green .
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* The global solar power market size was valued at US$ 197.23 billion in 2021 and is expected to hit around US$ 368.63 billion by 2030, poised to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2% during the forecast period 2021 to 2030.  The key Segments Covered by  :  Residential  / Commercial / Industrial .

US$ 197.23 billilon

Global Solar Power Market Capacity

US$ 368.63 billion

CAGR ~ 7.2%

* Among them :

The global residential solar market size was US$28712.3 million in 2021. As per our research, the market is projected to touch US$ 63022.7 million by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 14.0% during the forecast period , which is expected to account for more than 17% of the global solar power growth  .

US$28712.3 million

Global Residential Solar Market Capacity

US$ 63022.7 million

CAGR ~ 14%

Since 2019 , we committed to researching & developing the most sustainable , clean, economic portable solar systems that every family can afford .

To be fitted in thousands of households , even any angle in the world ,  In 2021, we launched the portable HOME-SOLAR-KITS based on the wholly new one-stop-solution design concept .  

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